Perfect Facebook Ads Funnel for Your Business

Posted by SAMEER KASMA | October 5, 2021 | Digital Marketing

Facebook Ads funnel is a sequence of ad campaigns designed to take users along the buyer’s journey, from complete strangers to paying customers.

The Facebook Ads funnel consists of three main stages:

  • Awareness – Top of the Funnel (TOFU)
  • Consideration – Middle of the Funnel (MOFU)
  • Conversion/Decision – Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

How to create a perfect Facebook Ads funnel

The funnel building process includes choosing the right Facebook campaign objective, targeting the right audience and using optimal ad format and messaging that resonate at each stage of the funnel.

Stage 1: TOFU – Turn Strangers into Prospects

a) Audience targeting for the Awareness stage

In the Awareness stage, you’re trying to reach completely new users. For the most part, you should use the following two types of Facebook Audiences:

  • Saved Audience
  • Lookalike Audience

b) Top of the Funnel campaign objectives

Choosing your Facebook campaign objective determines what goal (or action) you want Facebook to optimize for. The best campaign objectives for the Awareness stage are:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Video Views
  • Messages

c) Ad type for the Awareness stage

Ad types that are proven to work the best in the Awareness stage are:

  • Video ads
  • Collection ads
  • Image ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Instant Experience ads

Stage 2: MOFU – Turn Prospects into Leads

a) Audience targeting for the Consideration stage

Best Facebook audiences for the Consideration stage are:

  • Custom Audiences
  • Lookalike Audiences

b) Middle of the Funnel campaign objectives

In the Middle of the Funnel or the Consideration stage, you want to turn prospects into leads by collecting their contact info. That’s why you want to choose campaign objectives that focus on lead generation, including:

  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • Lead Generation
  • Messages
  • Conversions

c) Ad type for the Consideration stage

In the Consideration stage, some of the best performing ad formats are:

  • Image ads
  • Carousel ads

Stage 3: BOFU – Turn Leads into Customers

a) Audience targeting for the Conversion stage

Audience targeting in the Conversion stage should be very specific, focusing on Custom Audiences made up largely of your existing leads and those similar to them.During the Conversion stage target the following audiences:

  • Custom Audiences (consisting of your leads)
  • Lookalike Audiences (similar to your Custom Audience)

b) Bottom of the Funnel campaign objectives

The main three Facebook campaign objectives to use in the Bottom of the Funnel stage are:

  • Conversions
  • Catalog Sales
  • Store Traffic

c) Ad type for the Conversion stage

The best performing Facebook ad formats for the Conversion stage are:

  • Image ads
  • DPA (Dynamic Product Ads)
  • Carousel ads

Stage 4: Post-purchase– Increase your CLV

a) Audience targeting for Post-purchase stage

Post-purchase audience targeting is based on just one type of Facebook audience – Custom Audience.

Build a new Custom Audience based on your previous buyers.

b) Post-purchase campaign objectives

Your Post-purchase phase goal is to get repeat purchases, so conversion-based objectives will work best. Depending on your business model, focus on the following three:

  • Conversions
  • Catalog Sales
  • Store Traffic

c) Ad type for the Post-purchase stage

In terms of ad format, in the Post-purchase phase it’s best to use:

  • Video ads
  • Image ads
  • Carousel ads
  • DPA (Dynamic Product Ads)

The Facebook Ads Funnel is an extremely powerful marketing strategy. With it, you can reach new customers with the right ad at the right moment, and boost conversions, generate more sales and grow your business.

Depending on your business model and target market, you may need more touch points for each step of the funnel.

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